What is the queue system and how does it work?

Description of Tweet Hunter queue system

The queue system allows you to create your own tweet schedule. For example, you could say you want to tweet 3 times per day at specific times, and a little less on the weekends.

By default, we create 3 slots for you based on when your followers are most active (pretty smart, right?).

But of course, you can define your own slots. To do so, simply click on "Edit queue".

You can then select, delete and add any number of slots to your calendar.

Note: we recently added the ability to create an Evergreen 🌲 slot, which is a special slot which will be occupied by any of the tweets you saved in your Evergreen 🌲 collection. To create an Evergreen 🌲 slot, just click on the option right next to the time before clicking on "add slot".

Once you're satisfied with your queue calendar, you can start scheduling tweets in the blink of an eye and plan a month's worth of content in advance (or even more if you want to).

All you need to do is press "Add to Queue" when you're done writing a tweet, and it will automatically be scheduled at the next available slot according to your calendar.

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