What is Engage and how does it work?

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Tweet Hunter Engage identifies relevant tweets for you to engage with. Along with writing great content, replying to other people's tweets is the second pillar of Twitter's growth. So we created Engage to simplify the process for our users.

Engage allows you to create your own feed of tweets written by people you want to interact with, with an easy way to reply to all of them.


Instead of finding yourself with a bunch of RTs, replies, and other useless tweets to engage with, we give you a clean timeline with only the actual tweets from people you select.


You can reply to any tweet directly from Tweet Hunter, which makes the entire process 10x faster than what you're used to.


Another thing you can do is actually search for keywords instead of taking tweets from people in your list. To do that, just click on the menu saying "By People" just below the page title.

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